
Home / Dalhousie


Spread out over the five hills of Kathlog, Potreyn, Terah, Bakrota and Bhangora, ‘ Dalhousie’ is popular hill station that was founded by Lord Dalhousie in 1850 as a summer retreat. Rich in colonial architecture, the town preserves some beautiful churches. A veneer of Tibetan culture has added a touch of the exotic to this serene destination. The cool climate of the town has a lot of summer visitors.
Marvelous forest trails overlook vistas of wooded hills, water falls, springs and rivulets. In the distance, River Ravi meandering its course adds to the panorama. Mighty Dhauladhar ranges with perennially snow capped peaks complete the horizon.
Attracted to the healing charm of the hill station, freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose stayed on for many months at Dalhousie in 1937. The spring water fed Subhash Baoli and Subhash Chowk are named after him.
The town’s main markets – The Mall Road is a good place to shop for woollen Himachali shawls, Chamba rumals, traditional jewellery, Tibetan handicrafts and other items. Dalhousie is 54 km from Chamba.


Hindi, English are spoken by people engaged in tourism and professional trades.

Clothing Essentials

Being a hill station Dalhousie has pleasant weather in spring and autumn. In summer it does get a little hot and cotton clothing is most suitable. Winters are cold as the hill stations does receive heavy rounds of snow. Heavy woollen clothing is required to stay cozy.



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How to Reach

By Air The nearest domestic airport to Dalhousie is Gaggal Airport ( Kangra) which is 110 km away.
By Rail Nearest train station to Dalhousie is Pathankot, 87 km away.
By Road Dalhousie is well connected by road. Public and private transport services are available for Pathankot, Amritsar, Delhi, Shimla and other cities. There are regular bus services for Chamba, Bharmaur and other destinations. For customised travel, taxis are readily available.


Places to visit Distances from Dalhousie (Km)
Chamba 54
Shimla 325
Delhi 562
Amritsar 199
Chamera Lake
Dainkund Hill Top
Kalatop Khajjiar
Chamba Jot


Summer is the best time to be in Dalhousie and Khajjiar. Spring breaks out in March and till June the skies are usually clear, temperatures are moderate that provide much relief to those escaping the heat of plains. Monsoon weaves a magic of curling mists that give a romantic setting to the boundless hills. Winters are cold and have a charm of their own. Experiencing a snowfall or enjoying a quiet evening by the warmth of a bonfire is a comfort worth being at the hill station for the season.

Season Months Average Temperature
Summer March – June 18°C – 27°C
Monsoon July – September 9°C – 18°C
Winter December – February 3°C – 11°C
